10th APCAM Webinar Series

Welcome to the APCAM Webinar on the topic, “Handling “Difficult Parties” in Mediation”, conducted by APCAM, India.
Friday, 6 January 2023
12:30 to 14:00 [Indian Standard Time (UTC+5.30)]
This is the tenth of the APCAM Webinar series, which is held every month. The APCAM Webinar series will be a global tour of all jurisdictions, discussing about the ADR developments regionally and globally by the most reputed professionals and stakeholder from global jurisdictions.
Difficult people in disputes and obstinacy for logical conversation is not a rare picture in mediation. In this edition of webinar, the focus will be on shedding light on this question and understanding where these obstacles come from and what efforts and skills is needed to put an end to the conflict.
- MS. DELCY LAGONES, Director ADRC, Australia
- MR. ANIL XAVIER, Chairman APCAM, India
- MR. J.P. SENGH, Senior Advocate & Mediator, India
- DR. FRANCIS LAW, Chairman HKMC, Hong Kong
- MS. IRAM MAJID, Executive Director, APCAM
Participation will be on first-come-first-served basis.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 85044609607
Passcode: 623AW
Email secretariat@apcam.asia for any further information.