5th APCAM Webinar Series

Extension of Time – EOT in Construction Contract
Fri 22 October 2021, 14:15 WIB

Will be focusing on the concept of Extension of Time (EOT) in Construction Contracts and how effectively extension of time can be invoked when “time is the essence” of the contract. It also analyses the dispute resolution mechanisms since assessing claims for an extension of time can be complicated and controversial. Sharing experience in EOT in different jurisdictions.

Opening remarks:
Mr. Matrika Niraula, Senior Advocate, NIAC, Nepal


  • Dr. Yog Upadhyay, Senior Lecturer in Law, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  • Prof. Dr. Rajendra Pd. Adhikari, Arbitrator, Contract Management Expert , Nepal
  • Dr. Christopher To, Barrister, Chartered Arbitrator, Chartered Engineer, Hong Kong
  • Mr. Anil Xavier, Arbitrator, Chairperson APCAM, President IIAM, India

Closing remarks:
Dr. Mukti Rijal, Expert Mediator, Chairperson, NIAC, Nepal

Iram Majid, Executive Director, APCAM

This is the fifth of the APCAM Webinar series, which will be held every month. The APCAM Webinar series will be a global tour of all jurisdictions, discussing about the ADR developments regionally and globally by the most reputed professionals and stakeholder from global jurisdictions. Email secretariat@apcam.asia for any further information.
📡 https://apcam.asia 📡 https://www.pmn.or.id

Meeting ID: 845 9501 2443
Passcode: 721932

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